Solidarity Forum for Ukrainian Courage

Two-day lecture series

Join the online scientific meeting on reproductive endocrinology and genetics organised by Roman Lytvynenko, M.D., from Kyiv, Ukraine. This international forum is set up to support as international scientific and clinical community, Ukrainian researchers and doctors, and to present and discuss the latest, exciting achievements in the field.

Starting on 1 October, the two-day gathering brings together high-level specialists and established researchers from countries all over the world, covering advances in accuracy of stimulation strategies, endometrial receptivity issues, endometriosis treatment, embryonic development estimation and Artificial Intelligence impact on IVF results. This will provide an excellent opportunity to learn about the impressive scientific progress in reproductive medicine, which will and already is impacting human fertility treatment across the world.

UM researcher Prof. Bert Smeets (Research School GROW/MHeNS, Department of Toxicogenomics, FHML) will co-moderate the second day and deliver a lecture at 11:00 CET on Sunday on 'Reproductive options for the prevention of the transmission of mtDNA diseases'.

Dr Smeets says, “We work together with groups in the Ukraine on preventing the transmission of genetic disease due to a defect in energy metabolism. I will discuss the reproductive options for parents who do not want to transmit such a disease to their offspring. Prenatal diagnosis and Preimplantation Genetic Testing (also known as embryo selection) are being offered in Maastricht, whereas in the UK and Ukraine this is complemented by Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy (also known as Mitochondrial Donation).” 

More information on the two-day meeting

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