24 Oct

On-site PhD conferral Michiel T.H.M. Henkens

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. S.R.B. Heymans

Co-supervisors: Dr. J.A.J. Verdonschot, Dr. V.P.M. van Empel, Dr. M.R. Hazebroek

Keywords: heart failure, cardiomyopathies, registration-based research, mCMP-registry

"Improving diagnosis and risk stratification of cardiomyopathies across the ejection fraction spectrum – The past, present and future–

The Maastricht Cardiomyopathy Registry (mCMP-registry; www.cardiomyopathyresearch.eu) study-team created a future proof foundation for a multidisciplinary (early) cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure (HF) registry in the past years. The aim of this registry is to stimulate multi-disciplinary clinical and translational research to improve (early) diagnosis, risk-stratification, and management of individuals that are referred to (outpatient) clinics for screening for the presence of cardiomyopathies/HF, known cardiomyopathies/HF or for HF-like symptoms. Establishing such a large-scale registry is time-consuming and requires in-depth insights into the local (logistic) hurdles in performing cardiomyopathy-, and HF-research. During the past years, the mCMP-registry team therefore performed cardiomyopathy and HF-related research across the cardiomyopathy- and HF-spectrum, of which some examples are provided in this thesis. The (logistic) hurdles faced during these studies were opportunities to improve the performance of registry-based research at the cardiology department of the Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC+) and beyond, ultimately leading to the current mCMP-registry, founded in 2021 and presented in this thesis. This registry, together with the open-access Netherlands Heart Tissue Bank (which is also presented in this thesis; www.hearttissuebank.nl), forms a solid foundation to boost a wide-range of cardiovascular related studies in the near future.

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