23 Sep

On-site Inaugural lecture Dr. Daniel L.A. van den Hove

Appointed professor Neuroepigenetics

"Neuroepigenetics; terug naar de betere toekomst"[In Dutch]

Epigenetics is study of changes in gene function that occur without alterations in the DNA sequence (the “DNA code”). The field of Neuroepigenetics investigates different aspects of epigenetic regulation, such as DNA methylation, with regard to their role in brain disorders, the development and course of which may or may not be associated with environmental variation (e.g. stress). Due to the major socio-economic influences of disorders of the nervous system, the rapidly developing knowledge within the field of neuroscience, and the strongly increasing computational power within the closely related data sciences, the field of Neuroepigenetics has a broad academic, clinical, industrial and social impact.

The ultimate goal of this field is to identify molecular pathways causally involved in the development of brain-related disorders, to identify biomarkers that predict their onset and course, to determine the reversibility of neurobiological changes, and to develop novel preventive and therapeutic applications.

Click here for the full inaugural lecture.

Click here for the live stream. 

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