14 Sep

On-site PhD conferral Teuni Rooijackers

Supervisor: Prof. dr. G.I.J.M. Kempen

Co-supervisors: Dr. S.F. Metzelthin, Dr. G.A.R. Zijlstra, Dr. H.J.L. van Rossum

Keywords: Supporting independence of older adults, training program for homecare staff, reablement, evaluation research

"Supporting older adults to STAY ACTIVE AT HOME. Process, effect and economic evaluation of a reablement training program for homecare staff 

Many older adults prefer to continue living at home for as long and as independently as possible. Promoting independence increasingly received attention in Dutch homecare, but appears quite a challenge. Homecare staff is traditionally accustomed to focusing on what older adults can no longer do and, with the best of intentions, tends to take over activities. Reablement - or 'helping people help themselves (again)' - is an innovative approach to improving a person's (physical) functioning and increasing his or her independence in meaningful activities. This thesis evaluates the reablement training program 'Stay Active at Home'. About 300 nurses and domestic workers were trained in reablement. The staff and their clients were compared to a group who did not receive training. Although staff were positive about the training, no effects of the training were found in clients (sedentary behavior, functioning, falls, and quality of life) and staff (self-efficacy and outcome expectations) and in terms of costs. The lessons from this study contribute to the further development of programs to promote independence in older adults.

Click here for the live stream. 

Click here for the full dissertation.

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