06 Aug

Online PhD conferral Dmitrii Starkov

Supervisors: Prof. dr. Raymond van de Berg, Prof. dr. Vladimir Petrovitsj Demkin, Tomsk State University, Prof. dr. Herman Kingma

Keywords: vestibular function, vestibular testing, vestibular implant

"Considerations for quantifying vestibular function"

Vestibular dysfunction typically leads to disabling symptoms like dizziness, imbalance, and blurred vision during head movements. It affects up to 95 million adults in Europe and the USA. However, the diagnosis might be inconsistent due-to the lack of standardization of the vestibular tests. To improve the situation, this research quantified discrepancies in the outcomes of the main objective test caused by changing the methodology of testing and by different technical realizations. The effect of age in the tested population on the outcomes in the main functional test has also been studied. In addition, the existing test battery has been extended and the ways of analysis of data for patients fitted with the vestibular implant, a device that should restore the vestibular function as the cochlear implant restores hearing. The results of this PhD can facilitate standardization of the main vestibular tests, as well as to help improve evaluation of the impact of the vestibular implant.

Click here for the full dissertation.

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