13 Jun

On-Site PhD conferral Reshab Yadav

Supervisor: Prof. dr. J.A.W. Teijink

Co-supervisor: Dr. M.R.M. Scheltinga, Máxima Medisch Centrum

Key words: finger pressures, access flows, hemodialysis access, prediction models

"The prognostic role of finger pressures and access flows in hemodialysis patients"

Patients with renal failure undergoing haemodialysis via a dialysis access in the arm have a significantly lower survival compared to healthy people. In addition, they stand a higher risk of complications including a painful dialysis hand and heart failure. The aim of the present PhD research was to identify predictors of these complications and patient survival. Data suggest that a simple measurement of finger blood pressure, prior to initiation of hemodialysis, may predict the onset of hand pain due to diminished hand blood flow. It also appears that serial measurements of (changes in) the amount of blood through the dialysis access (‘access flow’) may contribute to the prediction of the risk of cardiac death. Future research will determine whether measurements of finger pressures and access flow may aid in optimizing the treatment of patients with renal failure.

Click here for the full dissertation.

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