23 May
16:30 - 18:00
Have your say!

The education minister invites you to Speak up!

What is it like to be a student? What are your worries? What could be improved for students?

This is your chance to have your say and give your input to Netherlands Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf.

He would very much like to hear from you at the upcoming 'Speak up! session in Maastricht. This is part of his current tour of universities and other education institutions around the country where he’ll be asking students what is going on, how they see the future and what their ideas are for doing things differently.

Join us on Monday
On Monday 23 May, Minister Dijkgraaf will be in Maastricht to hear the stories and ideas from students at UM, Zuyd Hogeschool and Vista College. He can use this input to change things for you.

Sign up for this session now and tell us which issue you think should be on the agenda. Topics could include student finance, the quality of education, current links between education and the labour market and student welfare. It’s up to you.

Please let us know what you would like to discuss and we’ll forward your suggestions to the minister before the session.You can sign up with the issue you would like to raise by using this form.

Please note that attendance is limited. You can fill in the registration form as long as there are places available.

Come and speak up!

This event is for students at Maastricht University, Zuyd Hogeschool, Vista College

Language: English

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