16 May

Online PhD conferral Elena F. Brachtel

Supervisors: Prof. dr. Axel zur Hausen, Prof. Dennis Sgroi, M.D., Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Keywords: breast cancer, diagnostics, cytology, imaging, new techniques

"Smaller, Faster, Brighter: New Concepts in the Tissue Diagnosis of Breast Cancer"

Breast cancer is diagnosed through small tissue or cell samples. The smaller the tissue piece, the smaller the needle and the less painful the biopsy procedure is for the patient. This thesis describes several studies showing that small samples in the diagnosis of breast cancer are indeed accurate. This work is based partly on a clinical trial studying the diagnostic accuracy of a molecular cancer classifier applied to small tissue samples. Then, a large study of breast cytology showed favourable diagnostic accuracy, also with molecular markers. Breast cancer diagnosis by tissue sample depends on accurate imaging to guide the samples.

This thesis presents clinical studies of novel optical techniques that can be used either during or after the operation and removal of breast tissue. For example: a table top CT device suitable for examination of breast tissue; a fluorescent detection device used to find tumour tissue during the operation; a technique that measures elastic properties of benign and cancer tissue; and a technique that scans the tissue in a way of in vivo (or living) microscopy.

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