25 Mar

On-Site PhD conferral Juliëtte A. Beuken

Supervisor: Prof. dr. D.H.J.M. Dolmans

Co-supervisors: Dr. D.M.L. Verstegen, Dr. M.E.J. Bouwmans

Keywords: Education, Healthcare, Cooperation, Euregio Meuse-Rhine

"Waves towards harmony - learning to collaborate in healthcare across borders"

“Cooperation across the border offers opportunities for healthcare in the border region, but that cooperation is not functioning optimally at the moment.” PhD candidate Juliët Beuken often heard such statements in conversations with healthcare professionals while performing her research into collaboration in the Euregio Maas-Rhine. The dissertation entitled ‘Waves towards harmony: Learning to collaborate in healthcare across borders’ describes the needs of professionals and patients in cross-border collaboration. For example, both professionals and patients encounter differences in the organization of care. In addition, it was investigated how education can respond to these needs, for example by allowing professionals to discuss the question of how cooperation can be improved, based on their own experiences.

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