Deconstructing International Law


Hybrid, 7 April 2022


Conference of the Maastricht University Study Group for Critical Approaches to International Law

This conference will be held in hybrid format, whereby both online and offline participation (the latter for a limited number of persons) will be possible.
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST). The presentation titles given here are provisional.

Eric Magassa
Call The Doctors, collage series (ongoing), 2015



09:00–09:30  Arrival and Coffee
09:30–09:45 Welcome from the Organisers

Panel 1: A Deconstructed History of International Law

Discussant: Dino Kritsiotis, University of Nottingham

Sué González Hauck (she/her), German Center for Integration and Migration Studies (DeZIM-Institut) Berlin | Deconstructing International Law’s Founding Myths

Aman Kumar (he/him), IFIM Law School | Examining the Role of Cambridge’s Whewell Professors of International Law in India’s Colonisation

Christopher Rossi (he/him), UiT, Arctic University of Norway | Deconstructing Jus Soli, the Discovery Doctrine, and the Mindset of Founders of American International Law

Matheus Gobbato Leichtweis (he/him), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | Crisis, Critique, and Transformation: Historicizing Agenda 2030 for a Radical Critique of International ‘Sustainable Development’ Law

11:25–11:35 Break

Panel 2: Deconstructing the Rules and Practice of International Law

Discussant: Henrique Marcos, Maastricht University/São Paolo University

Jiang Zhifeng (he/him), National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law, and Yale-NUS College | Pacta Sunt Servanda and Empire: A Critical Examination of the Evolution, Invocation, and Application of an International Law Axiom

Shahd Hammouri (she/her), University of Kent | Inferential Inflexions in the Normative Representation of the War Economy

William Byrne (he/him, iCourts, Centre of Excellence for International Courts, University of Copenhagen | Is Critique Part of the Practice of International Law?

Nciko wa Nciko Arnold (he/him), Afronomicslaw Academic Forum | Towards Winning the Battle of Long-term Decolonization of International Law that African Law Schools Have Lost: The Role of the Afronomicslaw Academic Forum




Panel 3: Deconstructing the Ideas and Ideals of International Criminal Law

Discussant: Craig Eggett, Maastricht University

Kerstin Bree Carlson (she/her), Roskilde University | Between Differend and Show Trial: International Criminal Law in the 21st Century

Sanjana Rebecca (she/her) and Lekha Suki (she/her), School of Law, Christ University, Bangalore | The Imperialistic Underpinnings of International Criminal Law

Daimeon Dean Shanks (he/him), University of California, Berkeley, School of Law | The Ideologies of Ecocide: Marxism, the Other, and the Regulation of Ecological Crisis

15:40–15:50 Break

Panel 4: Statehood and Subjecthood, Deconstructed

Discussant: Sarah McGibbon, Maastricht University

Ruth Osaretin Ogbewekon, Pan African Lawyers Union | When the shoe doesn't fit: An African's deconstruction of the notion of the nation-state

Ralph Janik (he/him), Sigmund Freud University Vienna | States are not Men: Time to Say Goodbye to Hegel and de Vattel

Przemyslaw Tacik (he/him), Jagiellonian University in Kraków and Nomos Centre | Deconstructing Self-Determination of Peoples: On a Peculiar Zone of Exception Within International Law

Pablo Colmegna (he/him), University of Buenos Aires | Constructing the Relevance and Centrality of Corporations for International Law

17:30–17:45 Closing remarks

The physical conference fee is € 30,- and for students € 15,- 
For UM staff and students participation is free.
Online is free for all. 

This event has been made possible by the University Fund Limburg (SWOL) and Maastricht University Faculty of Law.


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