21 May
13:00 - 14:00

What’s up, European Students’ Union?




The European Students’ Union (ESU) represents the voice of students at EU level, and regularly takes part in discussions with policy-makers to voice the views of the student community. In this edition of ‘What’s up, EU?’, we will discuss the main EU agenda topics important for students, what projects the ESU is working on, and how UM students can get involved.


This is the second episode of 'What's up, EU?' talk series organised by Maastricht University Campus Brussels dedicated to learning and discussing about issues that are high on the European Union (EU) agenda.

Guest Speaker

jakub gRoDecki

Jakub Grodecki, currently serving as a Vice President of the European Students’ Union. His primary focus within the organisation is Quality of Higher Education, Implementation of Bologna Process commitments and digitalisation in Higher Education. He is also a member of the Advisory Council on Youth in Council of Europe and the EQAR Executive Board. Previously, he worked as a Quality Assurance expert of the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) and ESU QA Pool of Experts. He has an academic background in Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng) and Management and Production Engineering (MSc) done at the University of Science and Technology (AGH) in Kraków.

During his studies, he was pursuing many hobbies and areas of interests to find some relief from engineering studies. He was coordinating few music and art festivals in Kraków that allowed him to remain close to the music, culture and students’ community. Huge fan of skiing, hiking in the mountains, e-sport as a phenomenon, and discovering the world through music, cuisine and communities. 

Watch the full recording of the talk