29 Apr
14:00 - 15:00

Staying psychologically fit in corona times

These are crazy times for all of us. Who would have thought that memes and bad hair would become the focus of our lives? Worries over health or finances, and feelings of frustration, loss, or anxiety, are becoming common.  Fortunately, our species, Homo Sapiens, is incredibly adaptable. Throughout history, whatever the circumstances – pandemics, ice ages, you name it – we have found new ways to cope. No doubt you are also adjusting to your own changing circumstances, with better days and worse days, small pleasures and frustrations. One thing is certain: these times are different, and adjusting, no matter how well it is going, can have its stresses, too. 

In this webinar, Dr. David Bernstein of Maastricht University offers perspectives and tips for how to stay in emotional balance, strengthen connections with other people, and find meaning and purpose, in these challenging times. He will use insights from Schema Therapy and Positive Psychology to show how you can make the best of a difficult situation.

The webinar is intended for UM staff and students. Pre-registration is required and can only be done with a UM e-mail address.

David P. Bernstein, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and an expert in psychotherapy, personality disorders, forensic psychology, trauma and addictions.  At Maastricht University, he leads the Clinical Psychology section, which is embedded within the Department of Clinical Psychological Science.

One of the pioneers of Schema Therapy, an integrative approach for personality disorders and treatment-resistant patients, Dr Bernstein has served as Vice-President of the International Society of Schema Therapy and President of the Association for Research on Personality Disorders.

He has authored over 120 scientific papers and book chapters. He created the Bernstein iModes with artist Vick Debergh and founded SafePath Solutions for teams and organisations.

Dr David Bernstein
Staying psychologically fit in corona times

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