14 Nov
16:00 - 19:00

Celebrating the start of the Bachelor Digital Society

On 14 November 2019, a festive event takes place to celebrate the start of the bachelor's programme Digital Society. At the beginning of September, we welcomed 75 students from 20 countries.

The celebrations will start with a presentation by renowned video artist Geert Mul whose work has been shown at festivals and in art galleries. His work explores the possibilities of a poetry in the language of digital media.

During the second part we will engage in discussion with colleagues from government, industry and research. We will hear their views about how our students will be able to contribute to shaping the digital society of the future, and what skills and knowledge they need to do so.

The panelists include the following:

  • Professor dr Valerie Frissen, Director of SIDN Fonds and Professor of Digital Technologies and Social Change at the University of Leiden
  • Dr Francisca Grommé, Digital Society researcher at TNO
  • Laury van den Ham, strategic policy adviser, Province of Limburg
  • Professor dr Rudolf Müller, Professor of Quantitative Infonomics, Maastricht University and BISS (Brightlands Institute for Smart Services)

We are grateful to SWOL and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences for financial support.

Everyone is welcome, but please register online before 7 November.