06 Feb

PhD Conferral Mr. Phil Brull, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. R.A.C. Ruiter, prof.dr. R.W. Wiers, UvA; prof.dr. G.J. Kok

Keywords: gaming, safe sex, explicit and implicit cognition

“Gaming for Safer Sex – Improving Explicit and Implicit Cognitions toward Safer Sex Precautions in Young People”

This dissertation tested a serious game approach for increasing safer-sex behavior in young people while broadening the focus on barrier protection by adding the following two behaviors: asking about a new sex partner’s sexual health and refraining from risky sexual practices with a new sex partner. The results obtained were mixed and suggest that more gaming sessions than provided were needed to achieve a robust attitude change, and that targeting three behaviors in one game might have simply been too much. It seems that in a virtual environment - less is more.