01 Oct 07 Oct

Biology week

"I don't eat DNA", You only use 10% of your brain" and "Mosquitos are attracted to light". These are some of the biological misconceptions people have. This year, during the Biology week we try to debunk some of these myths.​ Biology week is a collection of activities througout the country, from public lessons and symposiums to excursions and escape rooms. Biology week is organised by the Dutch Institute for Biology in association with Maastricht University (among others).

Week van de Biologie


1 October - 20:00
Lecture - Misconceptions: Paleontological and biological nonsense dissected

Lecture - Tiny Forests in Maastricht

2 October - 20:00

Maastricht is the first city in Limburg to plant four tiny forests. These are mini forests in lesser green neighbourhouds, close to schools. This way kids can play in it, residents can come into contact with nature and animals can feel at home. This is continuation of the city/nature vision of Maastricht that was released in 2018.

Gijs Ketelaars (CNME)
Tineke de Jong (IVN)

Universiteit Maastricht
Collegezaal 1.009
Kapoenstraat 2
6211 KW, Maastricht

Lecture - Nature and health

3 October - 20:00

Natuur en gezondheid toegespitst op de trits Hittestress, Pollen en Hooikoorts, waarbij klimaatverandering en verschuiving van plantensoorten naar het noorden (Ambrosia) worden toegelicht.

Nature and health, focused around heat stress, pollen and hay fever, with explanation about climate shift and the shift of plant species towards the north (Ambrosia).

Maurice Martens (Flora van Nederland en Pollennieuws)

Universiteit Maastricht
Collegezaal 1.009
Kapoenstraat 2
6211 KW, Maastricht

Lecture - Mushrooms

4 October - 20:00

Lecture about scientific research Mushrooms in Limburg

Henk Henczyk (NHGL - Kring Maastricht)

Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht
de Bosquetplein 6
6211 KJ, Maastricht

Mini-symposium - Biology in development

5 October - 20:00

Maastricht University is working hard to expand the natural sciences in the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Biology is a big part in this goal. In this mini symposium (3 x 25 minutes), three main programmes within this new biology are explained.

  • Systems biology
  • Biobased materials (in English)
  • Biology in the Maastricht Science Programme

Michiel Adriaens (MaCSBio, Universiteit Maastricht)
Luisa Bortesia (AMIBM, Universiteit Maastricht)
Roy Erkens (MSP, Universeit Maastricht)

Universiteit Maastricht
Collegezaal 1.009
Kapoenstraat 2
6211 KW, Maastricht

Week van de Biologie

Excursion - City nature in the footsteps of Jac. P Thijsse

6/7 October - 14:00

The guide will show you that there still is a lot of nature to be found in the city, if you just know where to look. Just like Jac P. Thijsse already described in the early 20th century in one of his Verkade albums.

De excursie start om 14.00 uur vanaf de volière in het stadspark aan de Hubertuslaan.The excursion will start at 14:00 from the bird cage in the city park near the Hubertuslaan.

Maurice Martens
Tineke de Jong

Escape room: Escape from the bio lab

1 t/m 5 October - 11:00 en 14:00

A test lab, a scientist taken hostage, a dealer and lots of pills. Help our scientist by unmasking the dealer. Find the code and send the information of the dealer to the police.

This activity is suitable for students with a Nature/Technic or Nature/Health profile, because, next to biological tests, you have to solve assignments that involve other natural sciences.


Register for the Escape room
Escape from the lab