28 Nov
12:30 - 17:30

Inspire and Connect Student Employability Seminar

We cordially invite you to the second edition of the Student Employability Seminar scheduled on 28 November. Learn about the latest developments relating to employability at UM and other universities, join inspiring workshops and engage in discussions with fellow colleagues, alumni and external partners of Maastricht University.

Please make sure to register on time as places are limited.


The seminar will take place at the Novotel Hotel Maastricht.

Time Activity
12:30 - 13:00 Walk-in with lunch
13:00 - 14:00


  • Welcome by moderator Arie van der Lugt
  • Ambitions of Student Employability project – Ellen Bastiaens
  • Lecture about omdenken (the art of flip-thinking) – Dave Mangene
14:00 - 15:30


On the sign-up form, you can choose the workshop you'd like to attend :


1) A taste of professional and personal development (Johan Pelssers and Liesbeth Mouha - Maastricht University)

We welcome you to this interactive workshop that introduces you to the wide range of support we offer to our students. You will experience bits and pieces of several hot topics related to career and wellbeing. We will explore them together in a fun way, leaving room for your feedback and questions.

2) Maastricht University Online Company Page (Perry Heymann and Neal Gordon Cowan - Maastricht University)

Maastricht University is preparing a website for companies looking to hire students as interns for projects and other challenges. In this workshop, we want to join forces and tap the knowledge of all participants. Our motto: nobody knows everything but together we know a lot. The workshop will include an inspiring discussion called ‘Ask the expert’. Participants will be invited to share their knowledge or information from their own perspective and background. Other participants can ask questions and make notes. Interested in how this works? Join our workshop about UM’s company webpage.


3) Student Employability @ other universities: initiatives and ideas.

Student Career Services Team at the University of Groningen (Yvonne Jordens-Streng)

How can you enhance the employability of students and recent graduates using student engagement as a powerful resource? We will share the examples of tasks and projects the student team are working on as well as some do's and don'ts, and the successes and mistakes we had to go through to make this way of working the best practise case at the university.

Your future - our collaboration (Robin Eijsermans - TU/e: Eindhoven University of Technology)

At TU/e we have a close collaboration with our student associations; together, we constantly work on innovating and improving ourselves in the field of employability.

Successful examples of this collaboration, including the My Future collective and the Career Advice Committee, will be shared on 28 November.

Big Data (Analytics) at Career Services Utrecht University (Arjen van Vliet).

Thousands of students are using Career Services of Utrecht University and each step they take provides us with new data. In this session, you will get insights into the work values that students find important, the kind of services they're looking for, when they use them and what you can do with this information within your organisation and within your programme.

A job board platform tailored to universities (Marie-Elise van den Hoek Ostende - UvA: University of Amsterdam)

Why having your own job board platform - with study-related side jobs, (extra) curricular internships and graduate jobs - is a great addition that helps you connect with your job market locally and internationally. It enhances the diversity of organisations (SMEs/large/startups) and it can be used to build up more relations with these organisations.

Since its launch three years ago, UvA job board has grown organically to around 5000 company accounts with an average of 400 online vacancies monthly each month.

Employability and skills at University of Leiden: a student journey towards the future of work! (Nieke Campagne)

The core of Leiden University's education vision is to enable our international and diverse student population to become academic professionals and engaged, responsible citizens who are ready for the job market of tomorrow. Join us in our bottom-up strategy on employability and skills and find out more!

Using Strengths to improve Student Employability at University of York (Tom Banham).

Understand how the unique University of York Strengths Programme was developed, from initial research through to delivery of the pilot in the summer of 2017. The strengths programme from the University of York aims to help students in identifying their personal strengths and understand how they can make the most of their strengths to achieve their full potential. The programme supports students in taking charge of their own career journey by giving them insight into where they are now, help in building their confidence, a vision of where students might want to go, and ideas of how best to use their time as a student to help them to get there

Discover more about Strengths-based development and the benefits this methodology can bring for both students and graduates.

Learn more about the impact of the programme and plans for a future rollout.

  4) Lounge zone: open space to meet, exchange and connect
15:30 - 16:00 Short break
16:00 - 17:15


  • Introduction:

Real-time Employability - Reflection by alumnus Mike Verhiel (Psylaris)

  • College tour by Mike Verhiel 
  • Wrap up of the day
17:15 - 18:00 Networking drinks: active connection and final thoughts


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