11 Jun
15:00 - 16:30

Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN) 2nd meeting

After the successful kick-off of the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience in March, we are pleased to announce the second CIN meeting on Monday 11June from 15.00-16.30hrs.

This meeting will comprise of an update on CIN developments, and will focus on:

  • updates and discussions on 2 of the 5 CIN PhD projects, and
  • key-note lectures by two renowned senior CIN scientists, i.e. Prof. Rainer Goebel and Prof. David Linden, both on the exciting scientific developments on Neurofeedback, and its application in mental disorders.

Final programme

Chairmen: Prof. Bart Rutten and Prof. Alexander Sack


Opening – Prof. Bart Rutten and Prof. Alexander Sack


Key note lecture Neurofeedback-part 1 – Prof. Rainer Goebel


Presentation Project: The locus coeruleus hits the bull’s eye: stress-­‐vulnerability as a predictor for cognitive decline 
Presentation: Linda Pagen
MHeNs: Heidi Jacobs and Frans Verhey, FPN: Benedikt Poser and Rainer Goebel


Presentation Project: Brain miRNA as markers of drug induced changes in neural integrity.
Presentation: Manon van de Berg
MHeNs: Jos Prickaerts and Jos Kleinjans, FPN: Jan Ramaekers


Key note lecture Neurofeedback-part 2 – Prof. David Linden


Closing of the presentations and opening of the drinks – Prof. Alexander Sack and Prof. Bart Rutten


Drinks in UNS40 Drielandenpunt