14 Sep

PhD conferral Mr Rafael Barreto de Mesquita, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. M.A. Spruit, prof.dr. E.F.M. Wouters, prof.dr. F. Pitta

Keywords: chronic cardiopulmonary diseases, physical functioning, activity profile

“Physical functioning in patients with chronic cardiopulmonary diseases”

The main aim of this thesis was to provide a better understanding of physical functioning measures in patients with chronic cardiopulmonary diseases. It was found that comorbidities can lead to impaired physical and psychological status. Moreover, two field tests to assess physical capacity were found to be valid and reliable, which increases their utility in clinical practice. Finally, patients were found to spend little time being physically active and a considerable amount of time being sedentary. Their activity profile might improve following rehabilitation and/or with the help of a resident loved one.

This thesis was funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq/Brazil).