06 Jul 10 Jul

Workshop on 3D solutions in Cryo-Electron Microscopy

The aim of this workshop is to show, through lectures and practical courses, the Solutions for 3D reconstruction in Cryo-Electron Microscopy. The lectures will cover single particle analysis, cryo-tomography of isolated specimens and cryo-tomography of structures inside a vitreous cryo-section or lamella and cryo-CLEM. The practical courses will show to the participants how to do sample preparation (high pressure freezing, plunge freezing, vitreous sectioning and cryo-fibbing), image acquisition in cryo-EM single-particle and cryo-tomography and 3D-reconstruction.

Monday 6 - Friday 10 July

Group size
5 groups, 5 participants per group

Regular Fee: €900,-
Lectures Only Fee: €100,-

Deadline for registration: 16 June 2015 
Selection will be made according the motivation and CV.
Click here to go to the registration form.

If you have any questions you can send an email to Carmen Lopez-Iglesias.

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