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Privacy and Cloud Security

Risks, Opportunities and Compliance



Get your do’s and don’ts guidance from experienced and recognised practicioners.


This practical training course is designed for all those who are responsible for moving or managing personal data within the cloud: EU officials, data privacy specialists, national civil servants, consultants, information professionals, as well as people working in the commercial sector and for NGOs.

This course will enable you to understand the concepts of security, risk and privacy compliance, as they apply to the various cloud computing environments.  It provides you with a structured guide on how to successfully move data into a cloud service provider while gaining assurance that security of that data will not be compromised, privacy rules will be complied with and cloud service agreements will be fit for the purposes.

Presentations, case studies and do’s and don’ts guidance is provided by experienced and recognised practicioners.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the training course, you will have a good knowledge of the key security, privacy and contractual issues to consider when engaging with a cloud service provider; you will understand the concepts of security, privacy, compliance and risk, as they apply to cloud computing. You have learned how to underpin the security and privacy concepts with that of an enterprise cloud computing environment; appreciate the unique security and privacy risks, challenges and opportunities cloud computing provides: and you will be prepared to react should a security and privacy incident occur within your cloud computing environment.

