06 Dec

PhD conferral Dhr. Guayasén Marrero González

Supervisor: prof.dr. G.R. de Groot
Co-supervisor: dr. S. Carrera Nùnez

"Civis Europaeus sum ? Consequences with regard to Nationality Law and EU Citizenship status of the Independence of a Devolved Part of an EU member state"

Keywords: EU citizenship, nationality, independence, Brexit

This thesis focuses on the study of the EU citizenship status and the laws governing nationality in the scenario of an eventual independence process within the EU. The independence of part of the territory of an EU Member State and its accession to the EU itself would have a significant impact on the status of citizens of the Union of nationals of that Member State. Likewise, European citizens of other nationalities residing in the territory of the new State would also be affected, together with third country nationals also residing in the new State. Although in a different setting, the same questions related to the possession of the status of citizen of the Union arise in the “Brexit” scenario.

The research was sponsored by the Spanish Foundation la Caixa (Programa Europa 2014). The ceremony in which the scholarship was awarded was chaired by the Kings of Spain.