23 Nov

PhD conferral dhr.ir. Michiel Oosterwaal

Supervisor: prof.dr. L.W. van Rhijn
Co-supervisors: dr. K. Meijer; dr. M.A. Wilox


"The Glasgow-Maastricht foot model; development, repeatability and sources of error of a 26 segment multi-body foot model"

Keywords: kinematic model, foot and ankle biomechanics

This thesis describes the development of the Glasgow-Maastricht foot model, which allows the measurement of the movement of each individual foot and ankle bone. For example, the model allows the future measurement of the compensation required in the movement of joints after fixation of other foot joints. In addition to describing the development of the model, the thesis discusses the first steps towards validation and sources of model errors. The model shows similar results to previously conducted highly invasive research and is reproducible if the same researcher uses the model twice on the same person, and the error arising from skin movement is quantified.