19 Oct

PhD conferral Dhr. Bart Spronck, MSc.

Supervisor: Prof.dr. T. Delhaas
Co-supervisors: Dr.ir. K.D. Reesink, Dr. R.T.A. Megens

"Stiff vessels approached in a flexible way: advancing quantification and interpretation of arterial stiffness"

Keywords: arterial stiffness, pulse wave velocity, computer model

Arterial stiffness leads to heart failure in the long term. This dissertation primarily focuses on the measurement methods used to determine arterial stiffness in patients. The gold standard (measuring pulse wave velocity) has its limitations, which Spronck quantified in detail. For his work, Spronck received the Gert van Montfrans Prize for the best article on hypertension.

This dissertation also interprets stiffness measurements in order to gain a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of arterial stiffness. Spronck used a computer model of the vascular wall, which can also be used to monitor new anti-stiffness medications and to carry out non-invasive tests to determine the effects these medications have on specific vascular wall components.