12 Apr

Experience Day DKE - 12 April 2017

An Experience Day @ DKE will allow you to experience what a regular Bachelor student Knowledge Engineering’s week looks like. Current students will talk about their life in Maastricht, answer any of the study or housing related questions you might have and provide you with in-depth information on being a student at DKE.

Our professors will either give you a lecture, a computer programming workshop or a demonstration and are open to any of the questions you might have regarding the study programme or the courses.

Who can attend?

DKE Experience Day

To attend an Experience Day @ DKE you should:

  • already have visited the Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering during a Bachelor’s Open Day at Maastricht University
  • have familiarised yourself with the programme

Make sure to register as soon as possible, as the number of visitors is limited. You are welcome to register if you do not meet the above requirements, but please note that pupils who do meet these requirements will have priority over those who don’t.

You will receive more detailed information about the programme 1 week in advance. If you have any dietary needs, please contact info-dke@maastrichtuniversity.nl after signing up.