23 Feb
15:00 - 17:00
Processing and Protection of Personal Data at Eurojust after Lisbon: Is the New Legal Framework for Better or for Worse?´

MCEL Seminar in February

In upcoming MCEL Seminar, the Head of Data Protection at Eurojust, Ms Diana Alonsa Blas will discuss data protection at Eurojust in the presentation entitled ´Processing and Protection of Personal Data at Eurojust after Lisbon: Is the New Legal Framework for Better or for Worse?´

This MCEL Seminar will take place on the 23rd February 2016 from 15.00-17.00 in room B1.019.

The main question to be addressed by Ms Alonsa Blas is whether the new regime of data protection lead to better protection of the rights of data subjects whose personal data are processed by Eurojust and to more efficient operational work of Eurojust. To answer this questions, Ms Alonsa Blas will introduce Eurojust, the EU agency dealing with judicial cooperation in the field of serious organised crime, and briefly explain its mandate and work. Upon a broader introduction, the presentation will focus on the present legal framework regarding processing and protection of personal data at Eurojust, both from the legal and the practical perspective, building on her long experience within the organisation. Ms Alonsa Blas will also focus on to two main areas: exchange of data with third countries with whom Eurojust cooperate for operational purposes and supervision of the compliance with the applicable rules and regulation regarding personal data protection. In both areas the present trend of harmonisation and more standardised rules and procedures are likely to lead to different results than the presently tailor-made regime applicable to Eurojust.

Diana Alonso Blas is the Data Protection Officer and Head of the Data Protection Service at Eurojust. Before her work at Eurojust, she has worked at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and Information Technology (K.U. Leuven), the Belgian and Dutch Data Protection Authorities and the European Commission.

The presentation will be followed by comments of Dr. Francesca Galli and questions from participants.   

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