27 Jun

PhD conferral Mw. Eva Barteková, MSc

Promotor: Prof.dr. R. Kemp
Co-promotor: dr. T. Ziesemer  

“Multi-Problem Challenges for a Renewalble Future; Empirical Studies on Competitive Disadvantages from Electricity Price Differentials and Mineral Supply Risk in an Open Economy World”

Keywords: Paris Agreement, bottom-up coordination, electricity prices, foreign direct investment, rare earths, supply risk, low-carbon technologies, critical mineral strategies

The Paris Agreement is the first-ever universal globally binding treaty on climate change mitigation. This dissertation examines the need to deal with newly observed problems arising within its decentralised climate change policy architecture: how higher electricity price differentials across countries contribute to eroding the net FDI inflows, in spite of individual government's policy choices to correct for distortions on national levels; how the stovepiped approach to climate change policy increases reliance on low-carbon technologies in energy mix without considering the implications for minerals used for their production; and how heterogeneous national mineral strategies, often pursuing competing priorities, adversely affect global supply chains. In this respect, this dissertation argues for a three-dimensional coordination of bottom-up climate change mitigation processes: within national policies, across national policies and beyond sectoral policies. It thus proposes a multilevel and polycentric governance mechanism, advocating an integrated approach to low-carbon energy transition rather than focusing on energy-related greenhouse gas emissions in isolation.