27 Jun
15:00 - 17:00

Marking CERiM’s first Anniversary

It was a year in which the European Union has stumbled from one crisis into the next and where its resilience has been put to the test. The Brexit referendum is a fitting finale to a year of turbulence. With the results in hand, CERiM offers some first reflections. However, let us not forget that an anniversary is a celebration: a reception is therefore appropriate to close the event.


15.00-15.30: CERiM’s first year of existence:
Speakers: Thomas Conzelmann & Ellen Vos

15.30-16.40: “Brexit-referendum first reflections” 
Speakers: Bruno De Witte & Simon Duke

16.40-17.00:  The future of CERiM initiatives

Speakers: Ellen Vos & Thomas Conzelmann


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