09 Jun

PhD Conferral dhr.ir. Frank C.G. van Bussel

Supervisors: prof.dr.ir. W.H. Backes; prof.dr. P.A.M. Hofman;
co-supervisor: dr. J.F.A. Jansen


“Advanced MRI in diabetes; cerebral biomarkers of cognitive decrements”

Keywords: type 2 diabetes, MRI, cognitive problems

People with type 2 diabetes often develop cognitive problems as a consequence of the disease. They are also at higher risk of developing dementia. This research study examined whether advanced MRI techniques can improve our understanding of the complex relationship between type 2 diabetes and cognitive problems. Non-invasive MRI techniques can be used to detect subtle brain changes at an early stage, before cognitive problems or irreversible structural brain abnormalities become clinically visible. These MRI techniques may contribute to the development and assessment of treatment strategies in the future, which can help reduce the risk of cognitive problems and dementia.