10 Jan
Studium Generale | Movie

Jheronimus Bosch - Touched by the devil

With major exhibitions planned in Den Bosch, Venice and Madrid, 2016 will mark the 500th anniversary of the death of Jheronimus Bosch, one of the most celebrated painters of all times, known worldwide for his fantastic imagery of heaven and hell.

In preparation for the exhibition in Den Bosch, a team of Dutch art historians travels the globe to unravel the secrets of his art. They use special infrared cameras to examine the sketches beneath the paint, in the hope of discovering more about the artist's intentions. They also attempt to establish which of the paintings can be attributed with certainty to Bosch himself, and which to his pupils or followers. The experts cut their way through the art world's tangle of red tape, in a battle against the obstacle of countless egos and conflicting interests.

A picture of an artwork by Jheronimus Bosch