24 Apr
Studium Generale | Debate Café

Virtual Property on the Internet

In our paper agenda this debate café is stated on another date and location. The above mentioned date and location are the right ones.

The internet is one enormous network with a vast amount of data. Who owns all this different data? Who may use this data? For what purpose? Some downloads happen legally, while others don’t. How do we know what’s legal and what’s not? What kind of law is applicable? What should we do about the people who violate the rules and how do we regulate this? And how about data protection and data ownership, for example in healthcare and medical research? Opinions on these topics may vary for every person and jurisdiction. Feel free to drop in and discuss these issues with the following panel of experts.

Picture of arms reaching

This Debate Café is jointly organised by the European Law Students' Association (ELSA) and Studium Generale

The Debate Café is an activity of Studium Generale in cooperation with a student association. It covers important recent developments in science and/or society and is a meeting place for experts, scientists and students. It provides an opportunity for everyone to enter debate with experts and exchange views and ideas. The Debate Café is held in an informal setting.