John Sloggett (J.J.)


I have diverse interests in animal ecology, but with a particular focus on the dietary and habitat ecology of predators, and on the increasing direct and indirect effects that humans exert on the animals communities that live around them. My approaches are broad, both field- and lab-based, and especially centred in chemical and physiological ecology. My main study organisms are aphid-eating ladybird beetles, but I also work with animals as diverse as amphibians, leeches, bats and flatworms. 

My teaching covers general courses and skills in ecology and zoology as well as more specialised courses in chemical and physiological ecology. The full list of courses (BIO, INT) and skills (PRA) for which I am coordinator is:

  •    BIO2002 Ecology
  •    PRA2009 Field Skills in Biology
  •    BIO2004 General Zoology
  •    PRA2013 Practical Zoology
  •    BIO3002 Ecophysiology
  •    INT3009 Chemical Ecology