YUFE brings European city administrators together

Yesterday, city administrators from all over Europe gathered in Maastricht to attend the official launch of the YUFE alliance. They were welcomed by Maastricht’s mayor Annemarie Penn-te Strake and chairman of the board Prof. Dr, Martin Paul of Maastricht University (UM). The universities from ten European cities in as many countries as well as four non-academic partners of the project have united to work on the foundations of a truly European university. These foundations must take shape within three years.​

Studying throughout Europe

YUFE’s vision is to enable you to study for a European diploma by compiling your own curriculum from all courses offered across the eight YUFE universities. In addition, the YUFE Virtual Campus hosts all the members’ online course offer. A YUFE student card will offer you access to facilities everywhere. The official language is English but you will be able to learn the language of the host country. You will have opportunities to volunteer or follow internships. Your diploma will also list your achievements relating to language learning, professional training, job shadowing, community volunteering and all the other opportunities YUFE offers.

Social responsibility

YUFE also wants develop housing solutions to facilitate cultural exchange, mutual support and integration with the local community. For example, to completely immerse its mobile students in society, YUFE is considering furnishing homes where students can live rent-free and have the opportunity to contribute to their local community. "At the core of the YUFE Alliance’s mission and vision is the principle of universities’ social responsibility to educate the European citizens of the future and contribute to a more just, inclusive and cohesive society", says Daniela Trani, Managing Director of YUFE. "Together with the local administrations, YUFE will contribute to re-defining what is meant by and needed for a sustainable Europe. YUFE will do so by developing a blueprint for an education ecosystem that addresses the needs of our youth and our communities while deploying the incredible cultural diversity and innovative resources present in our regions and countries."


YUFE map

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