Urgent letter to education minister on importance of international education

When taking measures to keep international student intake manageable, a one-size-fits-all solution is not possible. Providing opportunity for international education where possible and taking measures only when necessary will ensure we can educate enough talent (Dutch and international) for a healthy labour market in the future. Limburg educational institutions, governments and business representatives have informed Dutch Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf of this in a letter.

The urgent letter was drafted as the Dutch House of Representatives has forced the minister to come up with measures by early 2023 aimed at controlling the influx of international students. ‘Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater’ is the essence of the signatories’ appeal.

Sufficient inflow of international talent will remain necessary for the Netherlands in the coming years; in border regions and those with a relatively large ageing population, it is an absolute necessity.

In Limburg, the presence of international talent is not only logical in a region where three national borders meet, but also a prerequisite for a complete and strong educational offering. This also strengthens opportunities for Dutch youth.

Positive impact

The economic and social development that has been taking place in Limburg province for several decades has benefited and continues to benefit from the international students, academics and companies that have discovered the region. The adverse effects of the influx that some educational institutions and regions elsewhere in the Netherlands have experienced recently are not an issue, or are manageable, in Limburg.

With the letter, the educational institutions, governments and businesses explain to the minister that international education strengthens Limburg's economic structure - which benefits the Netherlands as a whole. 

The letter (in Dutch) is a joint initiative of UM, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Vista College, the municipalities of Maastricht, Heerlen, Sittard-Geleen, Roermond, Venlo and the four Brightlands innovation campuses.

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