Urban greenspace as a motor for moving, meeting and relaxing

Under project name: 'Urban greenspace as a motor for moving, meeting and relaxing', ICIS will collaborate with the GGD and use a spatial computer model to assess benefits of greenspace for health in Maastricht.

Positive influence on health

Green has an important positive influence on people's health through various mechanisms: it aids recovery from stress, encourages exercise and can lead to people meeting each other. These positive effects apply to all people, but they most probably apply more to people in neighborhoods with a lower socio-economic status.

In this research project, two neighborhoods in Maastricht are selected. The current green situation in these neighborhoods is mapped out in detail, and an inventory is made of the wishes of children and the elderly with regard to this green. On this basis, a green design for both neighborhoods is drawn up and 'calculated' using ICIS spatial model named 'EcoMATCH'. With this model, the benefits of greenspace for health can be estimated.

This project is being carried out together with the GGD (Public Health Service) Zuid Limburg and the municipality of Maastricht.

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