Update on SHE Scholarships

6 September 2024

Scholarship for SHE PhD trajectory

In the past year SHE has reviewed its offer of research scholarships for current and prospective PhD candidates. Based on this evaluation, SHE has been working on a renewed scholarship offer and recently introduced the new Scholarship for SHE PhD trajectory.

SHE wants to make its PhD programme accessible to candidates from disadvantaged backgrounds with limited access to funding opportunities. This scholarship offers a SHE PhD trajectory without annual fee, and includes free participation in the course “Writing a PhD research proposal” to get the trajectory started. The scholarship intends to make the programme available to those who would otherwise not be able to apply. 

More information about this scholarship can be found here, along with our other scholarships.

Please note that the deadline for application for the Scholarship for SHE PhD trajectory is set on the 1st of October, 2024!

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