Update #3: cyber attack at UM

Maastricht University is making every effort to minimise the cyberattack’s impact on education, research and students and staff. The Executive Board, deans and directors feel a great responsibility in this area. They are aware of the possible consequences for students and staff, looking for ways to minimise any damage and trying to provide as much clarity as possible.

Therefore, we are currently working hard to ensure the following, in the coming days, for education, research and management:

  • The Maastricht University buildings will be open from 2 January, as planned, regardless of current circumstances surrounding the IT systems;
  • We want to open temporary ‘helplines’ for students and staff very shortly, where you can ask questions and where ‘customisation’ can be provided if desired. We will organise this at a central level and at the level of faculties and service centres, and tailor responses as much as possible to the wishes and questions of students and staff. Specific information about this will follow shortly;
  • Special attention is currently being paid to urgent and important issues such as teaching schedules, exams, theses, applications (restricted intake programmes), grant applications, research projects, applications. We are looking for solutions and want to provide quick and clear information on these matters.

Many people have sympathised with our position in the past days, both from outside and especially within our university. It reflects the spirit and culture of Maastricht University that many people want to contribute to solving the problems. Many colleagues are already putting their weight behind these efforts.
This does us all good, and we are grateful for it.


  • Contact the ICTS Servicedesk at info@m-u.nl or +31 43 38 85 101 (on 30 December during office hours).
  • Media can contact UM press officer Fons Elbersen: +31 6 53944500.

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