Leading role for Rianne Letschert in science event of the year

The UM in the Gala of Science

On November 26, the magazine New Scientist organized the eighth edition of the Gala of Science with the theme: artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. For the first time, the entire program was broadcasted via a live stream: despite corona, the organizers thought this event “too important not to take place”.

This year, UM was well represented in the impressive line-up. Rianne Letschert, Rector Magnificus at UM, had a leading role this year as the curator of the Gala. She was also involved in putting together this years’ program. Letschert: “It is beyond dispute that AI will fundamentally and permanently influence our future. Let us therefore ensure that the digital divide does not widen”.

Sally Wyatt and Katleen Gabriëls from FASOS were also present as speakers. Sally Wyatt is professor of Digital Cultures at UM. She currently focuses on the role digital media plays in acquiring knowledge and the ways in which people use the internet for information about health.

Katleen Gabriëls is a moral philosopher specializing in computer ethics and AI ethics. She works as an assistant professor at UM. Since August 2020, she is program director of the bachelor Digital Society.

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