UM building gives textile waste a second life

The UM administration building will soon be fitted with sound-proofing panels made from recycled textile waste by people with a labour market disability. In this way, UM is helping to reduce global textile waste, increase labour market participation in the Netherlands and create a better work environment for UM staff.

Sustainability at UM

Sustainability is a top priority at UM and involves more than just separating waste and installing solar panels. The university is also exploring ways to contribute to a better world based on the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit. With respect to people, the well-being and involvement of students and staff is an important theme. The offices in the administration building have poor acoustics, which makes sound-proofing panels a good solution for creating a more pleasant work environment.


"UM has a good waste separation system, which helps us contribute to a better environment. We also focus on people with a labour market disability. Through projects like 4Limburg, we research ways to help them participate in the labour process", says Erwin Kuil, director of Facility Services. "The wall panel supplier trains people who have trouble finding and keeping a job and teaches them how to make new products from waste products. The choice for i-did as one of our new suppliers fits our university perfectly."

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