Students from Syria complete master of Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management (HPIM)

The graduation ceremony for the master Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management (HPIM) was held last week. Four Syrian students were among the graduates. Ammar Abo Hamida, Mohammad Alkafri, Jasser al Kafri and Selman Housain are the first Syrian refugees to obtain a master's degree at UM.

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Medical engineer Selman Housain started his master's programme at UM in 2016. Housain shared his experiences in an interview for the annual university magazine Education Matters. His decision to resume his studies was motivated by a desire to meet new people and expand his network in a different country. These motivations clearly paid off, with employers like Medtronic now showing an interest in Housain's capabilities.

graduation HPIM

On 25 October 2017, one year after arriving in Maastricht, Housain and his fellow students from Syria were awarded their degrees. The graduation ceremony was attended by Harm Hospers, Vice-Rector Education at the UM, and Luc van den Akker, the UM contact for refugees.

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