Statement: Ms. E. Liapi and Maastricht University

Maastricht University and Ms. E. Liapi have reached an agreement regarding the completion of Ms. Liapi's PhD research at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML). After a mediation process led by Prof. H. Merckelbach, Ms. Liapi and Prof. A. Scherpbier, dean of FHML, made the following agreements:

  • Prof. G. Nicolaes and Prof. E. Bi essen will act as supervisors. The supervisory team has confidence in the doctoral candidate Ms. Liapi and that the research will be completed successfully.
  • The PhD candidate will get an extension to complete her dissertation by the end of May 2021 at the latest.
  • FHML will give the PhD candidate access to the research data and samples she has already collected.
  • FHML will give the PhD candidate access to the biochemical laboratory, where Dr G. Nicolaes will act as supervisor for collecting and analysing the data needed to complete the doctoral research.
  • FHML will enable the PhD candidate to participate in relevant scientific meetings in the context of completing her research.
  • In his role as mediator, Prof. Merckelbach will continue to be involved in order to monitor compliance with the agreements.

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