Ron Heeren included on Power List of Top Analytical Scientists

UM professor of Molecular Imaging Ron Heeren has been named to The Analytical Scientist's 2019 Power List.

According to a news release, the list celebrates “the tremendous range of talent, ingenuity and leadership present across all corners of analytical science by highlighting pioneering work and passion of 100 leaders in the field.”

The Analytical Scientist held open nominations before candidates were narrowed down to the final 100 by a panel of independent judges.

The full Power List 2019 can be found online here:

Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Prof. Heeren is one of the scientific directors of M4I, the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging institute and heads the division of Imaging Mass Spectrometry.

The Analytical Scientist cites the breakthroughs Ron Heeren and his team have achieved in imaging resolution and throughput “with technologies that have improved our sensitivity by orders of magnitude – data-dependent imaging, MALDI-2 and spatial resolution are great examples.”

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