Provincial Medal of Honour for Professor Martin Paul

On 11 October, on behalf of Governor Johan Remkes, Deputy Stephan Satijn  presented the Provincial Medal of Honour to Martin Paul for his important contribution to the continued development and internationalisation of scientific education in Limburg. "For a decade, Martin Paul has dedicated himself to Maastricht University at the highest international level and with that to the whole of Limburg. On behalf of the people of Limburg, I am extremely grateful for his contributions to the knowledge society. He deserves this Provincial Medal of Honour like no other”, said Deputy Satijn.

Upon receiving the Medal of Honour, Martin Paul was invited to sign the Book of Honour of the Province of Limburg.

The Provincial Medal of Honour (‘Provinciale Erepenning’) is awarded to persons in recognition of their outstanding merits in advancing the Province of Limburg and its people. In 1978, the Provincial Medal of Honour was awarded to Dr Sjeng Tans and in 2002 to Dr Karl Dittrich for their role as Chairman of UM’s Executive Board. Professor Wil Albeda received the Provincial Medal in 1990 for his important contribution to scientific economic education within UM.

Last Thursday, Martin Paul was appointed Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau and he received the Tans medal and MUMC+ Award.

Martin Paul

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