Pablo Del Hierro wins FASoS Valorisation Prize

Pablo Del Hierro has been awarded this year’s Valorisation Prize for his outreach activities following the project "(Neo)Fascist Metropolis: Madrid and the Transnational Far Right Networks since the end of the Spanish Civil War". Using a global urban history approach, this project created a series of materials that explained the very relevant role Madrid played during the Cold War as a safe space for far-right activists.

Book publication and documentary

The first result of Pablo’s project was a book, titled Madrid, metrópolis (neo)fascista (Editorial Crítica, 2023). It attracted the attention of major media platforms in Spain, leading to several interviews for press, radio and television, as well as passionate debates on social media. Ultimately, its success led the Spanish public television (RTVE) to fund the development of a documentary based on Pablo’s book, with shooting set to be finalized in 2024, and to an official petition to remove monuments associated with the international far-right in Majadahonda (a city 20 kilometres outside Madrid).

Honourable mention for Elsje Fourie and Christin Höne

The honourable mention this year goes to Elsje Fourie’s and Christin Höne’s project “The Stories We Tell: Creative Nonfiction Accounts of Our Research”. 

This project put together the first FASoS anthology of creative nonfiction, which uses the techniques of creative writing to bring research to life for a nonspecialist readership. The anthology features contributions from 19 researchers across all four FASoS research groups and all five departments. 

Selection criteria

This year, the FASoS Valorisation Prize received seven applications, reflecting different collaborations and outreach strategies. The Valorisation Prize Committee assessed applications according to the following criteria:

  • The originality and creativity of valorisation activities
  • Evidence of knowledge transfer & societal impact
  • Links between research and outreach activities

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