
  • The number of foreign students arriving at Dutch universities will not be restricted, at least for the time being. This is a good thing, according to ongoing research by Carla Haelermans from the School of Business and Economics (SBE) and Patrick Bijsmans from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences...

  • Why do humans act the way they do? To answer this complex question, Hannes Rusch has to be a bit of everything: economist, biologist, philosopher, mathematician. He recently received a €1.5 million ERC Starting Grant to develop and empirically validate an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for...

  • HBO graduates entering the labor market hardly need to look for a job and almost all can find work at their own educational level. This conclusion can be drawn from the annual HBO Monitor of the Research Center for Education and the Labor Market (ROA).

  • Ann Vanstraelen (professor of accounting and assurance services) was named today as a new member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). 

  • We are proud to announce that SBE further improved its ranking in the recently published 2023 CEO Magazine’s Global MBA Rankings.

  • Is sustainability worthwhile? Or is it only worth it if it makes financial sense? Professor in Real Estate Finance Nils Kok and Professor of Planetary Health Pim Martens discuss.

  • They go places, our UM top athletes. When I approached Hidde Mollee (19) at the beginning of this year for an interview, he very kindly asked if that was possible after February. He was in Namibia that whole month for an altitude internship. How do you do that alongside your bachelor's degree in...

  • SBE alumnus Niels Geominy did not follow the typical career-path as you would expect from someone graduating from a Business School. When most of his fellow SBE alumni were signing contracts to work for multinationals, Niels decided to launch his own start-up: Fiks.

  • Things are bustling around the kitchen table of Burak Can, associate professor of Data Analytics and Digitalisation. A mix of Turkish, English and Dutch can be heard. “I speak Turkish with my children, my wife Ingrid speaks Dutch with them, and we speak English with each other.” On the menu is one...