
  • Universities of Applied Sciences (HBO) graduates) performed even better in 2017 than in 2016. Unemployment is thereby back to about the same level as in 2008, before the economic crisis. 

  • How can companies motivate their sales employees to take work-related training aimed at developing their skill sets? “Make them write reviews about their learning experience,” advises Dominik Mahr of Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics in a research paper published in the March...

  • Emerging Markets is the latest specialisation in the bachelor’s programmes in International Business and Economics & Business Economics at Maastricht University. New as it may be, it is already popular. It has even spurred on the development of a follow-up programme to be launched next autumn: the...

  • Caroline Larisch alumna (graduated in 2018) and Danny Jonker are both among the three winners of the FACE-UP Air Cargo Competition 2018, a competition for recent graduates to present their thesis at the World Cargo Symposium (WCS) in Dallas, United States.

  • In countless areas of modern life, we are told, the robots are coming… and among the roles they may some day fill are those of “socially assistive” tools for the elderly. But what do the older people in question think of these developments? Martina Čaić, a PhD student in the School of Business and...

  • When prices shrink, does our empathy for salespeople shrink with them? Are we more likely to belittle a Ryanair flight attendant than one in a Lufthansa uniform? The answer, it appears, may be yes. Research carried out at Maastricht University’s School of Business and Economics indicates that...

  • Correlations can be found between the type of flex work and the nature of the activities carried out and between the type of flex work and the profession (Inaugural lecture Wendy Smit).

  • Vocational education students who carefully weighed the associated career prospects when choosing a degree programme were more likely to succeed on the labour market.

  • What do we consider a migrant? What drives migration? And how does migration interact with other areas? These are topics Prof. dr. Siegel covered in her inaugural lecture in June 2017.

  • Scientific institute and knowledge network Netspar grants € 250.000 to a three-year research project under the supervision of SBE researcher prof. dr. Antoon Pelsser.