
  • On 09 November, Maastricht University hosted the Dutch Day on Optimisation. At this one-day workshop speakers from Amsterdam, Twente and Brussels presented some of the latest research in this exciting field.

  • How do you fix a crack in limestone, such as mergel? Well, simply ask some bacteria to do it for you. In short, this is the goal 11 students from Maastricht University set themselves to do. They succeeded and ended up in the TOP10 best undergraduate projects competing in the iGEM competition. For...

  • Nikola Prianikov came from Kyiv to study Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Maastricht. He talks about how UM’s Foundation Programme opens doors for international talent, how he enjoyed his study experience despite war and pestilence, and how the Netherlands has come to seem like a viable...

  • Be it phishing emails or helpdesk employees who ask you to transfer money— digital crime is on the rise and is becoming even slicker. Artificial intelligence can play both a negative and positive role in this. On the one hand, new forms of cybercrime are emerging from AI; on the other hand, AI is...

  • Since 2010, Maastricht University, in cooperation with the Province of Limburg, has invested heavily to increase the supply of science. The positive results of this are visible through the Brightlands campuses, among others. The conclusion of the project, called "Strengthening Natural Sciences," was...

  • Caroline Bouvier wanted to be an illustrator, but ended up in chemistry. She managed to combine both of her passions in her research - creating molecular fingerprints of some of the world’s most valued paintings, including old master art from 15th to 17th centuries. As of October, Caroline is one of...

  • On October 25, the international research consortium iCARE4CVD was established. The consortium aims to gain more insight into cardiovascular diseases and future ways to prevent and cure them.

  • Remzi Celebi, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Data Science (IDS) and technical co-coordinator for the AIDAVA project, discusses how Artificial Intelligence, data curation automation and knowledge graphs are used to give patients more control of their health data.

  • Lee Bouwman, a vascular surgeon, works as a researcher on the implementation of new techniques in healthcare. As professor by special appointment of Clinical Engineering at the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) and the Zuyderland Medical Centre, he seeks collaboration between engineers and...

  • Professor of Neural Engineering and Computation, Renaud Jolivet, gave his inaugural address on September 15. Jolivet researches fundamental questions about the workings of the brain at the Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.