
  • A group of bachelor’s students of the Maastricht Science Programme (MSP) and Data Science and Knowledge Engineering (DKE) won the Eramet challenge at the VivaTechnology Hackathon in Paris during the weekend of 18 May.

  • With their oatmeal based allergen-free alternative for dairy quark called ‘Oat it’. The student team from Health Food Innovation Mangement won the Dutch round of the food innovation competition: Ecotrophelia.

  • Internships during the master’s in Medicine: a great, but also intensive and challenging time. Medical interns discuss their progress with a mentor and workplace supervisor. Since this academic year, they also have reflective meetings with other interns. No judgement, no hierarchy. Peer coaching, in...

  • Precious Plastic Maastricht is currently setting up a local recycling workspace that turns plastic waste into entirely new goods, such as bins, beams, 3D printer filaments, and much more.

  • Technology conference TNW catalogues 500 of the Dutch tech world’s most talented people under the age of 26. This year’s list – the T500 – features three alumni and eight current students of the Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering (DKE). Among them is Dirk Bongers, DKE master's...

  • The Maastricht debate, a political debate between the “Spitzenkandidaten” of the leading European parties took place last Monday, 29 April at the theatre at the Vrijthof. Simultaneously, the debate was live broadcast on the Vrijthof square for all interested spectators who did not get the chance to...

  • How can you further improve healthcare with the use of ‘big data’? That question is central to many scientific studies worldwide. Last month, two PhD candidates at Maastricht University defended their theses based on this same key question.

  • The Econometric Game is a yearly event in Amsterdam, often dubbed as the World Championships of Econometrics, and took place this year from April 10th to April 12th. Maastricht University has been a consistent participant in the game for the last ten years, battling it out with the likes of Harvard...

  • The project by master's students Debbie Markusse and Rachita Munshi won a prize in the annual 'Stadsgoud' competition, organised by the Elisabeth Strouven Fonds.