
  • The trailblazing cohort of the Global Studies bachelor programme has graduated. Gaia Gazzara and Vincent Tadday look back on transdisciplinarity, challenging yourself and integrating new perspectives.

  • With the project 'About not being an Einstein', made possible by a grant from the Diversity & Inclusivity Office, Anke Smeenk wants to ensure that being gifted is more widely recognised at Maastricht University.

  • Simon Cornelissen isn't only attending the master's programme in Medicine. In addition to his busy curriculum, he is also an ensign with the Dutch Ministry of Defence and a working student at the Defensity College. Watch the video.


  • The UM research institute GROW and the Maastricht UMC+ Oncology Centre and have together been accredited as a Comprehensive Cancer Centre by the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI).

  • Two researchers from Maastricht University (UM) have each received a Vici grant of € 1.5 million from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Professor Chantal Nederkoorn (Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience) and Professor Lorenzo Moroni (MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine)...

  • Mira Seyfettinoglu, a student in the Research Master European Studies, presented the first part of her MSc thesis at the GLOBALCIT Conference 2019.

  • The CaRe Award 2018 has been awarded to Ben Wijnen. Wijnen won the prize for his PhD dissertation Pleidooi voor betere meetinstrumenten voor mensen met epilepsie; zelfmanagement bij patiënten met epilepsie kosteneffectief (‘Call for better measurement instruments for people with epilepsy: self...

  • The three student teams from the master's Health Food Innovation Management (Campus Venlo) who dominated the preliminary rounds a few weeks ago, drew the first, second and third place in the semi-finals of the Ecotrophelia food innovation contest.

  • Het Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM is per februari 2017 op zoek naar versterking van haar team in de vorm van:  Stagiaire communicatie; Stagiaire 'Event organizer ITEM'; Stagiaire (1.0 fte) (Monitoring Service Grensoverschrijdende...