
  • The Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) alliance was present in Brussels yesterday during the kick-off event of the European Universities Initiative. YUFE is one of the 17 alliances of European universities selected by the European Commission to develop and implement the first models...

  • joordens en claessens

    Is time on our side?

    Until recently, palaeontology and evolutionary biology were not among the key disciplines at UM. This is set to change, say the newly appointed professors José Joordens and Leon Claessens.

  • Raf De Bont, associate professor of history of sciences at Maastricht University, will receive the Dr Hendrik Muller Prize, an amount of 25,000 euros, for his innovative contribution to the history of science and the environment.

  • Well done students!

    On the 2nd of September, there was a kick-off of the City Deal Creating Knowledge Maastricht (CDCK> M), a project in which 175 students from Zuyd Hogeschool and Maastricht University participate. These students are committed to improving the quality of life in Mariaberg and Randwyck. In the past 6...

  • mollgaard

    From Viking to dean

    A conversation with the Dane Peter Møllgaard, professor Industrial Organisation and dean of the Maastricht School of Business and Economics (SBE), on role models, family, sustainable energy and the best risotto. On Friday 1 November he will deliver his inaugural lecture.

  • Research on the legal issues surrounding new technologies has become a fixture at most universities. What has received less attention is how AI itself can be applied in the study and practice of law. This is where the Maastricht Law and Tech Lab comes in.

  • The York Maastricht partnership (YMP) has announced its first round of funding, supporting £2m (€2.2m) of research collaborations across nine distinct projects – including initiatives to tackle serious health problems and solutions to global sustainability.