
  • Does she ever indulge in pizza? “Absolutely! And crisps, too”, laughs Anne Roefs, professor of Psychology and Neuroscience of Abnormal Eating and head of the Eat Lab research group at Maastricht University. Equally, Leo Pimpini, a native of Venice who completed his PhD under Roefs’s supervision, is...

  • Drawing blood, inserting an IV, or examining the ear; even seemingly simple medical procedures can cause anxiety, pain, and stress in children. According to pediatric intensivist Piet Leroy, comfort and trust are just as important as the medical treatment itself. He is therefore researching how...

  • Last November, Rory Koenen delivered his inaugural lecture following his appointment as a professor in 2023 at the research institute CARIM. The chair he holds is "Biochemistry of Vascular Inflammation and Thrombosis," and Rory's research can be best described as the quest to understand the role of...

  • His second novel, The Invisibles, was recently published to high praise in the major Dutch newspapers. Author Frank Nellen is still floored by the response. Winning the Nederlandse Boekhandelsprijs 2024, a Dutch book award that is awarded by Dutch booksellers, was the cherry on top of the cake. It...

  • A team of researchers at the Law & Tech Lab is exploring an AI-assisted solution that makes legal assistance more accessible to everyone. Think of difficult contracts with legal language, explained in plain language or summarized for easy understanding. The exploration of this tool comes with a few...

  • The Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers has nominated engineer Kim Ragaert and student team SublimeStone for the award of best Dutch engineer and best Dutch student team in 2024. Both are among the last three finalists in their respective categories. Do you want the best engineers to win? Now is...

  • On January 28th, Konrad Kollnig, assistant professor in the Law & Tech Lab of the Law Faculty, was awarded this years’ Stefano Rodotà Award. His thesis conducted a technological and legal study into mobile apps on how to improve data protection in practice.

  • Kim Ragaert, Professor of Circular Plastics at Maastricht University, is one of three candidates for the Prins Friso Ingenieursprijs 2024. The same goes for the SublimStone student team. As finalists, they have a serious chance of being awarded the title of Engineer or Student Team of the Year by...

  • Adriana Iamnitchi’s career appeared like a bed of roses. She served as a full professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida. Nonetheless, she sought out new challenges and moved to Maastricht, where she focused her research on social media.

  • He was thinking about joining the family business, but during his studies of Business Economics, he discovered that he preferred research. What followed is an impressive academic career. Professor Christian Leuz has received no shortage of awards; during the 2024 Dies Natalis, Maastricht University...